I Am Toronto

The International Aunty

Mani Pathmarajah

Mani Pathmarajah is a founding member of the Tamil Co-op located in Toronto, Canada. She recalls the life she left in Sri Lanka to create a source of housing and support for refugees in Canada.

Interview language: English
22 listens

Transcript and translations


Subjects discussed

A country of milk and honey

Hello, yes.

What time are you going?

Five o’clock. Shanti is coming to help me to dress.

Now I have three ladies here. They are interviewing me from morning. Two are from Sri Lanka, one from Pakistan. They are doing some project and they are just interviewing me.

Okay, okay. I will take care of it.

So, tomorrow, you will pick up the food and come?

Yeah, yeah.

Can we take a photo of you holding this?

Yeah, you can.

Can you hold it?

‘Theen um paal’, which is a country of milk and honey. Kalmunai, at that time, it was. When we went. Food was so cheap. And the Muslims, they have the yogurt, and the thayir. They made very good yogurt. The thayir. And we played bridge. My husband and my family, both. You know the game bridge, it’s an international game. Bridge is not just a card game. It’s an international game. So we played bridge. MP for Pothuville, Majid, comes there. The district judge, Joganathan, comes there. MPs. So many other MPs. And I play my… and we cook. I had three servants. So they do the cooking. And they enjoy our food. The Muslims, our Jaffna curries, they enjoy it. They spend the whole day and they have lunch. The friends, the food. Very enjoyable time in every way.

My husband was a field officer. So I go to all the places with him. Went from Kalmunai, we go to Arugam Bay, Amparai, everywhere. Everywhere. You know, I forget now the names. Valaichchenai, Batticaloa, Valaichchenai, the university is still there. What is that place the tourists go? The famous place. I forget now. I forget that name. We had a very easy time. But when we came to Canada, we were stuck.

Nice natural light.

She’s taking pictures from all angles.

I know. You’re a star.

I want to capture audio of her. Like doing other things,

I see.

to supplement the interview, and capture her as a person engaging more. And then also it would be lovely to get more photos with her.

I always put eyebrow pencil. Today nothing, no point, nothing. So if you come another day, maybe I will, do a little makeup.

You look great.

Ah ok.

I could have put on a pottu.

Do you wan’t me to get it?

[Speaking in Tamil] In the washroom there is a small pottu. No, here. No, below that. A small one.

That small Pottu is good enough. No, it’s on top. It’s on top.

So it was good. We had a good life in Sri Lanka. It was good.

What made you decide that you were going to leave? Did your brothers tell you it’s time to come to Canada? What was the decision?

Why I left Sri Lanka?


Luckily we were not harmed. We did not lose anything in Kalmunai. But the fights were going on and life was at a risk always. So my brothers insisted that I should come here. 85% of the Tamils moved here because that was the time when all the refugees were here. The other countries did

not have so many refugees. And there were only about, maybe only 10 Sri Lankans here at that time, who came long, long ago. They asked the federal government and the provincial government to help them to build a, to have a building for the refugees who were coming from Sri Lanka. And the neighbours were protesting. Very high protest because they did not want a high-rise building to come in front of them, naturally. Because the Tamils wanted this building, we asked them, “Can we name it Tamil Co-op?” But that doesn’t mean that it is only for Tamils. That does not mean it is only for Tamils.

Do you walk around the co-op or do you usually stay in the apartment now?

No, no, no, no. I walk. I go to the office when I want to do something also. Just now I spoke to the office, yeah? I go to the gym to play carrom.

See, I want to interview you or watch you do those things around the co-op as well. We also need to take photos.


But you all didn’t even have a drink.

I will… you know what, I will go get a drink.

What I do outside?

[Speaking Tamil] Yeah, like, I wanted to… while you are doing stuff, I wanted to take your photo. While you are talking. We can do it outside. Do you understand? My Tamil is no good…

You talk Tamil?


Are you also a Tamil?

Yeah, I am Tamil. I am from Sri Lanka.

Oh, you are from Sri Lanka?

My parents are from Sri Lanka.

Thank you.

Yes, I am also a Tamil.

Oh, you’re also a Tamil.

Ah, ok.


But not very fluent in Tamil?

No, that is why I brought Nedra along with me!

You know, there is no water, no sugar.

It’s very good.

No water, no sugar. Concentrated Guava juice from Costco. From Costco.

It’s really good.

Very nice.

What was it like when you first came? What was it… What did it look like? Was it… What was the weather like? How did you…? What were your first few days  like when you were here?

In Canada, the first few days?


Only two weeks I stayed with my brother. Then I said you have to get an apartment. At that time you could get a job but not an apartment. You could not get an apartment. I was working through agency. My husband also was working through agency. Only two weeks I stayed with my brother. Then moved there. And… From there we got our permanent jobs. My husband also joined CIBC. I joined CIB, and worked there and…

What was…

And the weather. Everything was new to us. Not only the weather, even cleaning the house. There we have servants. I was not used to cleaning. The weather, the culture, the dress, everything was different. But luckily my brothers, they taught me.

You know aththivaram podurathu? Groundbreaking ceremony I was here. From that time I was involved. From the groundbreaking ceremony. Then there was a company called Lantana just in Queen Street. So they invited us and they gave us training. How to… how to interview these people. So from the bank, after work we used to come to Queen Street and get the training from them. And then, about ten of us interviewed all these people who were to come here. We had a public meeting. We interviewed them. And then we moved in 1988.

So the only… only good thing for us for all that work, that work that we did was we could choose which floor we want. So I chose the eighth floor. Which floor we want. That’s all. So it was all voluntary social work that we did. We were not paid for that. It was all voluntary work. All voluntary work. And all the professionals here, the Tamils. We had doctors, lawyers, principals, teachers. They came from not only Sri Lanka.

They came from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Zambia. And they could not get apartments. Apartments were not available. So they all… So the Tamil Co-op helped them. The community, to stay here on subsidised rent and make their down payments. They were all professionals. Most of them living here. So that is how the Tamil Co-op helped. Even this morning, one Mrs. Kanageshwari Nandaraja, she was a graduate teacher from Sri Lanka. She came here. She could not get her… She was living here with two sons, and sometimes the sons have to walk to school. They did not have enough money. What… they come here and what do they do? They would not give them jobs. Then one day she told those interview people, “You all are ignoring the brown skinned people, that even though we are qualified and we are efficient, you don’t want to give them jobs.”

I was the first secretary. I was the first secretary here. And then I was on the board for so many years. Then I was the president. I was the treasurer. But for the last few years, I didn’t go for elections. I have gone through lots of lives in so many places. No regrets. That’s why I still thank God for all the opportunities that were given to me. All the opportunities were given to me.

A country of milk and honey

හෙලෝ, ඔව්

කීයටද යන්නේ?

පහට. ශාන්ති එනවා මට අඳින්න උදව් කරන්න.

දැන් මට මෙතන නෝනලා තුන්දෙනෙක් ඉන්නවා. උදේ ඉඳන් මාත් එක්ක සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවක් කරනවා. දෙන්නෙක් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවෙන්, එක්කෙනෙක් පකිස්ථානයෙන්. ඒ අය මොකද්ද ව්‍යාපෘතියක් කරනවා, ඒකට මාත් එක්ක සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවක් කරනවා.

හරි හරි. එහෙනම් මම ඒක බලන්නම්.

එහෙනම් හෙට කෑම අරන් එනවද?

ඔව් ඔව්.

අපිට පුළුවන්ද ඔයා මේක අල්ලගෙන ඉන්න ඡායාරූපයක් ගන්න?

ඔව්, පුළුවන්.

ඒක අතට ගන්න පුළුවන් ද?

‘තේනුම් පාලේ’ කියන්නේ කිරියෙන් පැණියෙන් පිරිලා ඇති රටක්. කල්මුණේ, ඒ කාලේ. අපි ගිය විට. කෑම හරිම ලාබයි. ඒ වගේම මුස්ලිම් අයට යෝගට් තියෙනවා, ඒ වගේම තයිර්. ඒගොල්ලො හරිම රස යෝගට් හැදුවා.
තයිර්. ඒ වගේම අපි “බ්‍රිජ්” සෙල්ලම් කලා. මගේ සැමියා සහ මගේ පවුල, දෙකම. ඔයා දන්නවද ‘බ්‍රිජ්’ සෙල්ලම? එය ජාත්‍යන්තර ක්‍රීඩාවක්. ‘බ්‍රිජ්’ කියන්නේ කාඩ් සෙල්ලමක් පමණක් නොවේ. එය ජාත්‍යන්තර ක්‍රීඩාවකි. ඉතින් අපි ‘බ්‍රිජ්’ සෙල්ලම් කළා. පොතුවිල් මන්ත්‍රී මජිඩ් එතනට එනවා. දිසා විනිසුරු ජෝගනාදන් එතනට එනවා. මන්ත්‍රීවරු. තවත් බොහෝ මන්ත්‍රීවරු. ඒ වගේම මම සෙල්ලම් කරන්නේ මගේ… අපි උයනවා. මට සේවකයෝ තුන්දෙනෙක් හිටියා. ඉතින් ඒ අය තමයි උයන්නේ. ඒ වගේම අමුත්තෝ හැමෝම අපේ කෑම රස විඳිනවා. මුස්ලිම් අය, අපේ යාපනේ වෑංජන, ඔවුන් රසවිඳිනවා. ඒගොල්ලෝ මුළු දවසම ගත කරලා ඊට පස්සෙ දවල්ට කෑම ගන්නවා. මිතුරන්, ආහාර. සෑම ආකාරයකින්ම ඉතා විනෝදජනක කාලයක්.

මගේ සැමියා ක්ෂේත්‍ර නිලධාරියෙක්. ඒ නිසා මම ඔහු සමඟ සෑම තැනකම යනවා. කල්මුණේ ඉඳන් ගියා, ආරුගම් බොක්ක, අම්පාර, හැමතැනම යනවා. හැමතැනම. ඔයා දන්නවනේ, මට දැන් නම් අමතකයි. වාලච්චේන, මඩකලපුව, වාලච්චේන. විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය තාම තියෙනවා. අර සංචාරකයින් යන තැන මොකද්ද? ප්‍රසිද්ධ තැන. මට දැන් අමතකයි. මට ඒ නම අමතකයි. අපිට හරිම පහසු කාලයක් තිබුණා. නමුත් අපි කැනඩාවට පැමිණි විට, අපි හිරවෙලා හිටියා.

ලස්සන ස්වභාවික ආලෝකය.

ඇය හැම පැත්තකින්ම පින්තූර ගන්නවා.

මම දන්නවා. ඔබ තරුවක්.

මට ඇයගේ හඬ පටිගත කරන්න ඕනේ. කරන වෙන දේවල් වල,

මම තේරුණා.

සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවට අතිරේකව සහ ඇය සිත් ඇදගන්නා සුළු පුද්ගලයෙකු ලෙස සටහන් වෙන්න. ඊට පස්සේ ඇය සමඟ තවත් ඡායාරූප ගන්න පුළුවන් නම් හරිම අගෙයි.

මම නිතරම ඇහි බැම ඒ පැන්සලකින් හැඩ දමනවා. අද මොකුත් නෑ, වැඩක් නෑ, මොකුත් නෑ. ඉතින් ඔයා වෙන දවසක ආවොත් මම කරන්නම්, පොඩි මේකප් එකක් කරන්න.

ඔයා හරිම ලස්සනයි.

ආ… හරි.

[දෙමළ සංවාදය.]

මට ඒක ගන්න ඕනෙද?

[දෙමළ සංවාදය.]

ඒ පොඩි පොට්ටුව හොඳටම ඇති. නැහැ, ඒක උඩ තියෙන්නේ. මෙතන උඩ තියෙන්නේ.

ඒක හොඳයි. අපි ලංකාවේ හොඳ ජීවිතයක් ගත කළා. ඒක හොඳයි.

ඔබ පිටත්වෙන්න තීරණය කරන්න හේතු වුණේ මොකද්ද? සහෝදරයෝ කිව්වද කැනඩාවට එන්න වෙලාව හරි කියලා? තීරණය කුමක්ද?

ඇයි මම ලංකාවෙන් ගියේ?


වාසනාවකට අපිට හානියක් වුණේ නැහැ. කල්මුණේ අපිට කිසිම දෙයක් නැති වුණේ නැහැ. නමුත් ගැටුම් දිගටම ඇති වූණ නිසා ජීවිතය හැමවිටම අවදානමේ තිබුණේ. ඒ නිසා සහෝදරයෝ මට මෙතනට එන්න ඕනෙම කියලා කිව්වා. දෙමළ ජනතාවගෙන් 85%ක් මෙහේ පදිංචියට ආවා. මොකද එදා තමයි සරණාගතයො ඔක්කොම මෙහෙ හිටපු කාලෙ. අනෙක් රටවල එච්චර සරණාගතයින් හිටියේ නැහැ. ඒ වගේම හිටියේ, බොහෝ කලකට පෙර මෙහි පැමිණි ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයන් 10 දෙනෙක් පමණ විතරයි. ඔවුන් ෆෙඩරල් රජයෙන් සහ පළාත් රජයෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටියා ගොඩනැගීමට ඔවුන්ට උපකාර කිරීමට, ලංකාවෙන් එන සරණාගතයින්ට ගොඩනැගිල්ලක් හදන්න කියලා. ඒ වගේම අසල්වාසීන් විරෝධය පළ කළා. ඉතා ඉහළ විරෝධයක් තිබුණා, මොකද උස් ගොඩනැගිල්ලක් තමන්ගේ ගෙවල් ඉදිරියට එනවාට ඔවුන් කැමති වුණේ නැහැ. දෙමළ ජනයා මෙම ගොඩනැගිල්ල ඉල්ලූ නිසා, අපි ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඇහුවා, “අපිට එය දෙමළ සමුපකාරය ලෙස නම් කරන්න හැකිද?” ඒකෙන් අදහස් වෙන්නේ නැහැ ඒක දෙමළ අයට විතරක් කියලා. ඒකෙන් අදහස් වෙන්නේ නැහැ
ඒක දෙමළ අයට විතරක් කියලා.

ඔබ සමුපකාරය වටා ඇවිදිනවාද නැත්නම් ඔබ සාමාන්‍යයෙන් මහල් නිවාසයේ රැඳී සිටිනවාද?

නෑ නෑ නෑ නෑ. මම ඇවිදිනවා. මමත් කාර්යාලයට යනවා මට මොනවා හරි කරන්න ඕන උනාම. දැන් මම ඔෆිස් එකට කතා කළා නේද? මම කැරම් සෙල්ලම් කරන්න ජිම් එකට යනවා.

මට ඔබ සමඟ සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට හෝ සමුපකාරය වටා ඔබ ඒ දේවල් කරන ආකාරය නැරඹීමට අවශ්‍යයි. අපිත් ඡායාරූප ගත යුතුයි.


ඒත් ඔයාලා මොනවත් බිව්වේවත් නෑ තාම.

මම කරන්නම්, මම ගිහින් බොන්නම්.

මම එළියේ කරන දේවල්?

ඔව්, මට ඕන වුණා…

[දෙමළ සංවාදය]

ඔබ දෙමළ කතා කරනවාද?


ඔබත් දෙමළද?

ඔව් මම දෙමළ. මම ලංකාවේ කෙනෙක්.

අනේ ඔයා ලංකාවේද?

මගේ දෙමාපියන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ.


ඔව් මමත් දෙමළ කෙනෙක්.

ඔයත් දෙමළ කෙනෙක්.

ආ… හරි. ඔව්.

ඒත් දෙමළ භාෂාව එච්චර හොඳට කතා කරන්න බැහැ?

නැහැ, [දෙමළ සංවාදය].

[දෙමළ සංවාදය]

ඔයා දන්නවද? ඕකේ වතුර නැහැ, සීනි නැහැ.

ඒක ඉතා හොඳයි.

වතුර නැහැ, සීනි නැහැ. කොස්ට්කෝ වලින් සාන්ද්‍රිත පේර යුෂ. කොස්ට්කෝ වෙතින්. ඒක ඇත්තෙන්ම හොඳයි.

ඉතා කදිමයි.

ඔබ මුලින්ම මෙහේ පැමිණි විට ඒක කොයි වගේද? එය කොහොමද… ඒක පෙනුණේ කොහොමද? කාලගුණය මොන වගේද? කොහොමද ඔයාට…? ඔබ මෙහි සිටි මුල් දින කිහිපය කොයි වගේද?

කැනඩාවේ, පළමු දින කිහිපය?


සති දෙකයි මම සහෝදරයා ළඟ නැවතිලා හිටියේ. ඊට පස්සේ මම කිව්වා මටම, ඔයාට මහල් නිවාසයක් ගන්න වෙනවා කියලා. ඒ කාලේ රැකියාවක් ගන්න පුළුවන් වුණාට මහල් නිවාසයක් ගන්න බෑ. ඔබට මහල් නිවාසයක් ගන්නම බැහැ. මම ඒජන්සිය හරහා තමයි වැඩ කරමින් සිටියේ. මගේ මහත්තයත් ඒජන්සියෙන් තමයි වැඩ කළේ. සති දෙකයි මම සහෝදරයා ළඟ නැවතිලා හිටියේ. ඊට පස්සේ එතනට ගියා. සහ… එතනින් අපිට ස්ථිර රැකියා ලැබුණා. මගේ මහත්තයත් CIBC එකට බැඳුණා. මම CIBC එකට බැඳුනා, සහ එහි වැඩ කළ අතර…

මොකක්ද උනේ…

සහ කාලගුණය. සෑම දෙයක්ම අපට අලුත් වුණා. කාලගුණය විතරක් නෙවෙයි, ගෙදර අස්පස් කිරීම පවා. එහේ අපිට සේවකයෝ හිටියා. ගෙදර අස්පස් කරන්න මම පුරුදු වෙලා හිටියේ නෑ. කාලගුණය, සංස්කෘතිය,
ඇඳුම, හැම දෙයක්ම වෙනස්. නමුත් වාසනාවකට මගේ සහෝදරයන්, ඔවුන් මට ඉගැන්නුවා.

ඔයා අතිවරම්පෝරු දන්නවාද? මුල්ගල තැබීමේ උත්සවයට මම හිටියා. ඒ කාලේ ඉඳන් මම සම්බන්ධ වුණා. මුල්ගල තැබීමේ උත්සවයේ සිට. තකොට නිකන් ක්වීන් වීදියේ ලන්තානා කියලා ආයතනයක් තිබුණා. ඔවුන් අපට ආරාධනා කරලා පුහුණුවීම් ලබා දුන්නා. කොහොමද මේ අයට සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡා කරන්නේ. ඉතින් බැංකුවෙන්, වැඩ ඉවර වෙලා අපි පුරුදු වෙලා හිටියා ක්වීන් වීදියට ඇවිල්ලා ඔවුන්ගෙන් පුහුණුව ලබා ගන්න. ඊළගට, අපි දහ දෙනකු පමණ මෙහේ එන්න නියමිත සියලු දෙනා එක්ක සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡා පැවැත්වුවා. අපි ජන හමුවක් තිබ්බා. අපි ඔවුන් සමඟ සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡා කළා. ඊට පස්සේ අපි 1988දී අළුත් තැනකට ගියා.

ඉතින් එකම… අපිට ලැබුණු එකම හොඳ දේ, අපි කළ හැම වැඩකටම, තමයි, අපට අවශ්‍ය තට්ටුව තෝරා ගන්න ලැබුණු එක. ඒ නිසා මම අටවැනි තට්ටුව තෝරා ගත්තා. අපට අවශ්‍ය තට්ටුව. එච්චරයි. ඉතින් ඒ සියල්ල අපි කළේ ස්වේච්ඡා සමාජ වැඩ. ඒ සඳහා අපට මුදල් ගෙව්වේ නැහැ. ඒ සියල්ල ස්වේච්ඡා වැඩ විය. සියලුම ස්වේච්ඡා වැඩ. ඒ වගේම මෙතන ඉන්න සියලුම වෘත්තිකයන්, දෙමළ අය. අපිට වෛද්‍යවරු, නීතිඥවරු, විදුහල්පතිවරු, ගුරුවරු හිටියා. ඒ අය පැමිණියේ ලංකාවෙන් විතරක් නොවේ. ඒ අය ආවේ නයිජීරියාව, ඉතියෝපියාව, සැම්බියාවන්. ඒ අයට මහල් නිවාස ගන්න බැරි වුණා. මහල් නිවාස තිබුණේ නැහැ. ඉතින් ඒ හැමෝම… ඉතින් දෙමළ සමුපකාරය එයාලට උදව් කළා. ප්‍රජාව, සහනාධාර කුලී මත මෙහි රැඳී සිටීමට සහ ඔවුන්ගේ මූලික ගෙවීම් කිරීමට. [???] ඔවුන් සියල්ලෝම වෘත්තිකයන්. ඔවුන්ගෙන් වැඩි දෙනෙක් මෙහි ජීවත් වුණා. ඉතින් එහෙම තමයි දෙමළ සමුපකාරය උදව් කළේ. අද උදේ පවා එක කනගේශ්වරී නඩරාජා මහත්මියක්, ඇය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ උපාධිධාරී ගුරුවරියකි. ඇය මෙහි පැමිණියා. ඇයට රැකියාවක් ලබා ගන්න බැරි වුණා.
ඇය පුතුන් දෙදෙනෙකු සමඟ මෙහි ජීවත් වුණා. සමහර වෙලාවට පුතාලට පයින් ඉස්කෝලේ යන්න වෙනවා. ඔවුන්ට බස් එකට ප්‍රමාණවත් මුදල් තිබුණේ නැහැ. මොකක්ද… ඒ අය මෙහෙ ඇවිත් මොකද කරන්නේ?
එයාලට රස්සාවල් දෙන්නේ නෑ. පස්සේ දවසක් සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවක සිටි අයට ඇය මෙහෙම කිව්වා, “ඔබලා දුඹුරු පැහැති සමක් ඇති අය නොසලකා හරිනවා. අපි සුදුසුකම් තිබුණත් කියලා අපි කාර්යක්ෂමයි, ඔබට ඔවුන්ට රැකියා ලබා දීමට අවශ්‍යතාවයක් නැහැ.”

මම පළමු ලේකම්. මම තමයි මෙහි පළමු ලේකම්. ඊට පස්සේ මම අවුරුදු ගණනාවක් මණ්ඩලයේ හිටියා. ඊට පස්සේ මම සභාපති වුණා. මම භාණ්ඩාගාරික වුණා. නමුත් පසුගිය වසර කිහිපය තුළ, මම මැතිවරණවලට ගියේ නැහැ. මම බොහෝ තැන් වල ජීවිත ගණනාවක් පසු කරලා තියෙනවා. කිසි පසුතැවීමක් නැහැ. ඒ නිසා මම අදටත් දෙවියන්ට ස්තුති කරනවා මට ලබා දුන් සියලු අවස්ථාවන් සඳහා. මට හැම අවස්ථාවක්ම දුන්නා.

A country of milk and honey

ஹலோ சொல்லுங்கோ
என்ன நேரம் போறீங்கள்

அஞ்சு மணிக்கு

நான் வெளிக்கிட உதவிசெய்யிறதுக்கு சாந்தி வாறா

இப்ப மூண்டு பொம்பிளையள் நிக்கினம் என்னோட

காலமையில இருந்து என்னை நேர்காணல் எடுக்கினம்

இரண்டுபேர் இலங்கை, ஒராள் பாகிஸ்தான்

அவை ஒரு வேலைத்திட்டம் செய்யினமாம். அதுக்குத்தான் என்னைநேர்காணல் எடுக்கினம்

நாளைக்கு சாப்பாடு எடுத்துக்கொண்டு வருவீங்களோ?

ஓம் ஓம்

நீங்கள் இதை வைச்சிருக்கேக்க நாங்கள் ஒரு படம் எடுக்கலாமோ?

ஓம். எடுங்கோ

இதைப் பிடிக்கேலுமா? பிடியுங்கோ

அந்நேரம் கல்முனையெண்டு சொன்னால் பாலும் தேனுந்தான். அப்பிடித்தான் இருந்தது.

சாப்பாடெல்லாம் நல்ல மலிவு

முஸ்லீம் ஆக்கள் செய்யிற தயிர் மிச்சம் நல்லா இருக்கும்.

நாங்கள் சீட்டாட்டத்தில பிரிட்ஜ் விளையாடுவம். அது ஒரு சர்வதேச விளையாட்டு

எங்களோட விளையாட பொத்துவில் எம் பி மஜீத் வருவார்.

மாவட்ட நீதவான் யோகநாதன் வருவார்.

இன்னும் நிறைய எம் பி மார் வருவினம். அப்ப எங்களிட்ட மூன்று வேலைக்காரர் இருந்தவை.

அவைதான் சமைக்கிறவை

அவை எங்கட சாப்பாடுகளை நல்லா ரசிச்சுச் சாப்பிடுவினம்

முஸ்லிம்களுக்கு எங்கட யாழ்ப்பாணக் கறிகள் நல்ல விருப்பம்

அப்ப, எல்லாரும் வந்து, சீட்டு விளையாடி, முழுநாளும் இருந்து சாப்பிட்டுத்தான் போவினம்.

நண்பர்கள், சாப்பாடு என்று எல்லாவிதத்திலும் அது ஒரு சந்தோசமான காலம்

எனது கணவர் ஒரு வெளிக்களப் பணியாளர்

நான் அவரோட எல்லா இடத்திற்கும் போவன்

கல்முனையில் இருந்து, அறுகன்குடா, அம்பாறை, எல்லா இடங்களுக்கும் போயிருக்கிறேன். நிறைய இடங்கள் பெயர் மறந்து போச்சு

வாழைச்சேனை, மட்டக்களப்பு

வாழைச்சேனை பல்கலைக்கழகம் இன்னும் இருக்கு

அந்த சுற்றுலாப் பயணிகள் போகிற இடம் எது?

பிரபலமான இடம். எனக்கு இப்ப மறந்திட்டுது

அது வலு ஈஸியான காலம்

அப்பிடி இருந்திட்டு கனடாக்கு வந்தபோது, எல்லாம் சிக்லாப் போச்சு

இவா என்ன எல்லாக் கோணத்திலையும் படம் எடுக்கிறா

அதுதானே. நீங்கள் ஒரு நட்சத்திரம்

நேர்காணலின் ஒரு பகுதியாக நீங்கள் இயல்பாக
வேலைகள் செய்யும்போது ஒலியைப் பதிவுசெய்யப்போகிறேன்.


உங்களை ஒரு தனி மனிதராகக் காட்சிப்படுத்த அது உதவும்

நான் எப்பவுமே இமைகளுக்கு மை வைக்கிறானான்

இண்டைக்கு ஒண்டும் செய்யேல்ல

இன்னொருநாள் வந்தீர்கள் எண்டால் நான் வடிவா இருப்பன்

நீங்கள் இப்பவே வடிவாத்தான் இருக்கிறீங்கள்

I should have worn a pottu. I missed it.

Why don’t you put one? Do you want me to get one? Please put one.

Shall I bring one for you?

There’s a small one in the bathroom.

There’s a small pottu in a small container. Can you get that one for me?


Here. NO, at the bottom. Inside that small container.

அந்தச் சின்னப் பொட்டுக் காணும்

இல்லை. அது மேல இருக்கு

இலங்கையில எங்கட வாழ்க்கை மிக நல்லா இருந்தது

எதனால நீங்கள் இலங்கையை விட்டு வெளியேற வேண்டி வந்தது?

உங்கட சகோதரர்கள் கனடாக்கு வரச் சொன்னவையோ?

எப்பிடி முடிவெடுத்தனீங்கள்?

ஏன் இலங்கையை விட்டு வெளிக்கிட்டனாங்கள் எண்டதுக்கோ?

நல்ல காலத்திற்கு , கல்முனையில எங்களுக்கு ஒண்டும் நடக்கேல்ல, நாங்கள் ஒண்டையும் பறிகொடுக்கவும் இல்லை.

ஆனால், சண்டை தீவிரமாகி, இருக்கேலாத சூழல் வந்திட்டுது

என்ற சகோதரர்கள் கட்டாயம் கனடாக்கு வரவேணும் எண்டு சொல்லிப்போட்டினம்

85 வீதமான தமிழாக்கள் இங்கதான் வந்தவை

அந்தநேரம் எல்லா அகதிகளும் இங்கதான் இருந்தவை

அப்ப வெளிநாடுகளில் நிறைய அகதிகள் இருக்கேல்ல. ஒரு பத்து இலங்கையர்கள்தான் இருந்திருப்பினம். அவையும் கனகாலத்துக்கு முந்தி வந்தவை.

அவை மத்திய அரசாங்கத்தையும் மாநில அரசாங்கத்தையும் இலங்கையில இருந்து வாற அகதிகளுக்கு ஒரு கட்டடம் கட்ட உதவி செய்யக் கேட்டவை.

அயலில் இருந்தாக்கள் காணி குடுக்க விடேல்ல

கடுமையா எதிர்த்தவை

அவைக்கு தங்கட இடத்தில ஒரு பெரிய மாடிக்கட்டடம் வாறதில கொஞ்சமும் விருப்பம் இருக்கேல்ல.
அது இயல்புதானே.

தமிழாக்கள்தான் இந்தக் கட்டடம் வேணும் எண்டு கேட்டதாலதான் நாங்கள் இதுக்கு தமிழ் கோப் எண்டு பெயர்வைக்க நினைச்சனாங்கள்.
அதுக்காக இது தமிழாக்களுக்கு மட்டுந்தான் எண்டில்லை.

நீங்கள் சங்கக் கட்டடத்தை சுற்றி நடக்கிறனீங்களா? இல்லாட்டி வீட்டுக்குள்ளயே இருக்கிறனீங்களா?

இல்லை இல்லை. நான் இப்பவும் நடக்கிறானான்

ஏதும் தேவையெண்டால் நான் அலுவலகத்திற்குப் போறனான். இப்பவும் தொலைபேசியில கதைச்சனான்

ஜிம்முக்குப் போய் கரம் விளையாடுறனான்

நான் அங்கவந்து உங்களோட கதைக்கோணும். நீங்கள் விளையாடுறதைப் பாக்கோணும்

முதல்ல ஏதாவது குடியுங்கோ

ஓம் குடிக்கிறன்

நான் வெளிய என்ன செய்யுறன் எண்டு பாக்கோணுமா?

Yes. We want to take photos when you are doing your outdoor activities. We want to talk about it while you are out there.

Are you with me?

My Tamil is not good.

நீங்கள் தமிழ் கதைப்பீங்களா? ஓம். நீங்களும் தமிழா?

Of course I’m a Tamil person. My parents are from Sri Lanka.

ஓ, நீங்கள் இலங்கை ஆள்தானே?

I’m a Tamil person. ஒ நீங்கள் தமிழ்தான்.

ஆனால் சரளாமாக் கதைக்க முடியாது என்ன ?

That’s why I brought her along.

In fact these are the people doing the iterview.

உங்களுக்குத் தெரியுமா. இது தண்ணியோ சீனியோ கலக்காத சுத்தமான கொய்யாப்பழச்சாறு. கொஸ்கொவில வாங்கினான்.

நீங்கள் இங்க வந்தபோது எப்பிடி இருந்தது? உங்கட ஆரம்பநாட்கள் எப்படி இருந்தன? இந்த இடம், காலநிலை இதெல்லாம்.

கனடாவில, ஒரு இரண்டு கிழமைதான் என் சகோதரர்களோடு தங்கினான்

அதுக்குப் பிறகு கட்டாயம் ஒரு வீடு எடுக்கோணும் எண்டு சொன்னன்

அந்த நேரம் வேலைகூட எடுத்திரலாம், ஆனால் வீடு எடுக்கேலாது

வீடு எடுக்கவே முடியேல்ல

நானும் கணவரும் முகவர்கள் மூலம் முயற்சி செய்தோம்

இரண்டு கிழமைகள் மட்டுந்தான் சகோதரர்களோடு இருந்தனான்

பிறகு வீடு எடுத்திட்டம்

அதுக்குப் பிறகு நிரந்தர வேலைகள் கிடைச்சுது

கணவர் CIBC வங்கியில வேலைக்குச் சேர்ந்தார். நானும் CIBC வங்கியில வேலைக்குச் சேர்ந்தேன்

மற்றது காலநிலை. எல்லாமே எங்களுக்குப் பழக்கமில்லாதது

காலநிலை மட்டுமில்ல, எல்லாமே புதுசு. வீட்டை சுத்தம் செய்வதுகூட. ஊரில் எங்களுக்கு வேலைக்காரர்கள் இருந்தார்கள்

எனக்கு வீடு சுத்தம் செய்து பழக்கமில்லை

காலநிலை, கலாசாரம், உடைகள் எல்லாமே வித்தியாசம்

அத்திவாரம் போட்ட நாளில இருந்து நான் இருக்கிறன்

அடிக்கல் நட்டதிலிருந்து நானும் இதோட நிக்கிறன்.

ராணி வீதியில இருக்கிற ஒரு நிறுவனம் அகதியள எப்பிடி நேர்காணல் செய்யிறது எண்டு எங்களுக்குப் பயிற்சி கொடுத்தவை.

வங்கியில் வேலைமுடிய நான் இராணி வீதிகுப் போய் பயிற்சி முடிச்சிட்டு வாறனான்.

அப்பிடி நாங்கள் ஒரு பத்துப்பேர் வர விரும்பின சனங்கள் எல்லாரையும் நேர்காணல் செய்தனாங்கள்.
ஒரு பொதுக்கூட்டம் வச்சனாங்கள்

அவையோட கதைச்சனாங்கள்

1988 இலை இந்தக் கட்டிடத்திற்கு வந்தம்.

அவ்வளவு வேலை செய்ததற்கு எங்களுக்கு ஒரேயொரு பலன் கிடைச்சுது.

எங்களுக்கு விருப்பமான மாடியை எடுக்க முடிஞ்சுது.

அப்ப நான் எட்டாம் மாடியை எடுத்தனான்.

இது முழுக்க முழுக்க நாங்கள் தன்னார்வலர்களாக செய்த வேலைதான். எங்களுக்கு யாரும் காசு தரேல்ல.

எல்லாரும் நல்லாப் படிச்சாக்கள்தான் இருந்தவை.


வைத்தியர்கள், வக்கீல்மார், அதிபர்கள், ஆசிரியர்கள் எல்லாம் இருந்தவை.

இலங்கையில் இருந்து மட்டுமில்லை. நைஜீரியா, எத்தியோப்பியா, சாம்பியாவில் இருந்தெல்லாம் வந்தார்கள்

அவர்களுக்கு வீடுகள் கிடைக்கவில்லை. வீடுகள் காலியாக இருக்கவில்லை

தமிழ் கூட்டுறவுச் சங்கம் அவர்களுக்கு குறைந்த வாடகையில் தங்கி இருக்க உதவி செய்தது

பிறகு அவர்கள் வீடு வாங்குவதற்குப் போதுமான முன்பணம் சேமித்தபின் வேறு இடங்களுக்குப் போனார்கள்

நாங்கள் எல்லோரும் படித்த துறை சார்ந்த வல்லுனர்கள். அப்படித்தான் தமிழ்க் கூட்டுறவுச் சங்கம் இயங்கியது

திருமதி கனகேஸ்வரி நடராசா எண்டொரு இலங்கைப் பட்டதாரி ஆசிரியை இருந்தவர்.

அவர் இங்கே வந்தார்

அவருக்கு கிடைக்கவில்லை. அவர் இங்குதான் வசித்தார்

அவருக்கு இரண்டு மகன்கள்

அவர் இங்குதான் வசித்தார் சிலநேரங்களில் அந்தப் பிள்ளைகள் பள்ளிக்கூடத்திற்கு நடந்து போக்கவேண்டியிருந்தது. அவையளிட்ட காசில்லை.

அவர்களுக்கு வேலை கொடுக்கவேயில்லை

ஒருநாள் அவர் நேர்காணல் செய்பவர்களிடம் சொன்னார்

“எங்களுக்குத் தகுதியிருந்தும் எங்கட மண்ணிறத் தோலைப் பாத்திட்டு நீங்கள் வேலை தாறீங்கள் இல்லை” எண்டு சொன்னா.

நான்தான் முதலாவதா செயலாளர் பதவியில இருந்தனான்.

பிறகு கனகாலம் பணிப்பாளர் சபையில இருந்து தலைவியாயும் இருந்தனான்.

கடந்த சில வருசமாத்தான் நன் தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடேல்ல.

என்னுடைய வாழ்க்கையில நான் நிறையப் பாத்திட்டன்.

எந்தக் கவலையும் இல்லை

எனக்குக் கிடைச்ச எல்லா வாய்ப்புகளுக்கும் நான் கடவுளுக்கு நன்றியுடைவளா இருக்கிறன்

எல்லா வாய்ப்புகளுக்கும்.

About this portrait

Interviewer : Miru Yogarajah
Translation by Nedra Rodrigo. : Nedra Rodrigo
Photography by Sadiah Rahman. : Sadiah Rahman
Recorded by Miru Yogarajah : Miru Yogarajah
Edited by Kannan Arunasalam : Kannan Arunasalam
Translators: Ketha Ledchumanasarma (Tamil): Ketharasarma Ledchumanasarma
Translators Dilina Amaruwan (Sinhala); : Dilina Amaruwan
Recorded: November 1, 2022
First published: September 30, 2023
Last edited: October 4, 2023


  1. Miru Yogarajah
    September 11, 2023 at 06:17 pm
    Mani Pathmarajah sits in her apartment in the Tamil Co-op on Bloor and Lansdowne, an intersection of Toronto cataloged in the memory of early Tamil refugees to Canada. She asked me to print out a family photo taken at her 90th birthday party, which featured a limo and the friends she’s made since her refuge to this country in the 1980s. She likes the photo because her grandson “looks like Jesus”. And indeed, he does. My team and I visited her twice and learned of her involvement in creating a myriad of spaces for Tamils — she was integral to the creation and leadership of the Tamil Co-op intended to house refugees to Canada, president of the Sai Centre, and co-founder and previous president of the Senior Tamil Centre of Ontario. She is a woman who offered tangible support for Tamils who uprooted their lives and fled to Canada in the hopes of not only survival, but hosting dreams. She is a vestibule for the history of Tamil migration, and Ms. Pathmarajah gave me the privilege of documenting her memories. She spoke admirably about her husband, who took care of domestic duties as she pursued her leadership roles, a testament to the deep love and support that composed their relationship. It felt radical to hear of a husband who supported his wife’s career and community ambitions in this new place, and his spirit resonated, with photographic tributes to the life they built around the home. Ms. Pathmarajah is a woman of advocacy and initiative, as well as a portal to the lives that Tamils collectively led, both in Toronto and in Sri Lanka. She continues to do this advocacy work, while Sadiah, Nedra, and I listened, shed tears, and giggled as she candidly spoke of her legacy. Thank you, Ms. Pathmarajah.

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