I Am Galle

The “Major”

Mohammed Hussein Ismail

Mohammed Hussein Ismail, known as "Major Hussein", is believed to be the oldest man in the Fort. He talks about his ten years in Trincomalee where he worked in a jewellery shop during the second world war and the military men he came across.

Interview language: English
11817 listens

Transcript and translations



Subjects discussed

When I go to the mosque, the Imam calls me Major!

They call me “Major” because in Trincomalee, my movements were with the British army. Our firm was there. They used to come to our shop to buy goods and everything. At that time military time.  It was open to every foreigner to get employed, to open a eating houses. They can’t eat our hot curries! They opened their own shops. The “ABCD café”: American, British, Chinese, Dutch café. They all joined together and opened it. Those times, in cafés, everything was very light. Not hot stuff. Actually, I didn’t know what lard was. I didn’t know what were chips. I went inside the kitchen to see what lard was and I came out and entered a huge place with tables. A kitchen on one side. One or two people cutting onions, one or two cutting potatoes, using machines to cut them into chips. In our religion lard is strictly prohibited. We only use ghee and butter and enjoying with that. Lard is used mainly by non-Ceylonese. Sometimes we can’t go into their kitchen. Such a bad smell!  My words, actions are all like that of a major. “Order,” I say like that. Even my religious advisor, when I go to the mosque. Imam calls me “Major”! Galle, Colombo. Everywhere. Many people! When they hear me called “Major”, then they also call me “Major”. First of all they did it as a joke. After that when others also called me that, people thought I deserve it. It doesn’t hurt me. I accept it, to keep company with them. If I ignore them, then I have no company.

About this portrait

Photographer: Kannan Arunasalam
Interviewer: Kannan Arunasalam
Assistant: Gayathri Lokuge
Recorded: February 18, 2011
First published: August 2, 2023
Last edited: November 7, 2023


  1. Kannan Arunasalam
    December 24, 2010 at 07:49 pm
    Mohammed Hussein Ismail is the oldest man living in the Galle Fort. Everyone knew him as "Major Hussein" and I wanted to find out the story behind his name. I went to visit Major Hussein one afternoon at his niece's family home. After a recent fall, Major Hussein no longer left the house and spends his days in the front room. Even the short walk to the mosque is too much for him these days and instead he prays at home. "It's for my own good", he told me. He didn't want to be a burden on others in case he had another fall.  Major Hussein loved to talk about his life in Trincomalee in the 1940s and '50s. He worked there as a shop assistant in various jewellery stores for 10 years just after the end of the second world war. Business was booming and his customers were British soldiers stationed there and on the look out for jewellery for their wives or girlfriends. He became curious about the customs of these foreign soldiers, especially where and what they ate. He told me how his curiousity led him to the "ABCD cafe" that catered for their foreign tastes.   Despite being born with a disability, he often had to walk from China Bay to Trinco town in Sundays when the bus stopped run. He was a good worker he told me - "not lazy like the others" - and was much sought after by the owners of jewellery stores in Trinco.    Despite the slight echo in the room affecting my sound recording and the limited opportunities for photography, his story was an interesting one to capture and share. Fortunately, Major Hussein had a striking face, wonderful to photograph. First, I wanted to find out why everyone called him "major". Not suprisingly, it had something to do with his life in Trinco.
  2. Isabel
    March 8, 2011 at 10:41 pm
    Thanks for sharing all these stories before they are lost.
  3. Suha Cassim
    April 19, 2011 at 10:43 pm
    Major Uncle! Assalamualikum! Thrilled to find you here. The Australian cricketers never forgot you. Hope you are well and walking to the Mosque as usual. Inshallah will see you soon...Love and Salaams from Daniel and I. Suha
  4. (@iam_project) (@iam_project)
    August 13, 2012 at 10:29 am
    Mohammed Hussein Ismail was never in the army. So why does everyone call him "Major Hussein"? http://t.co/uhldWVxa http://t.co/aZRzSjR5
    August 13, 2012 at 01:48 pm

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