I Am Batticaloa

The English teacher

Ms Rajes Kandiah

Mrs Kandiah had never even been to England but through the words of the favourite nature poets, she could immerse herself in the meadows and hills of the English countryside, without leaving her home in Batticaloa.

Interview language: English
10422 listens

Transcript and translations



Subjects discussed

To me England was just in my brain all the time

Sometimes foreigners ask me how come I am sort of so fluent in my English and things like that. I would tell them, I haven’t even gone into the sea here for a swim. I have never left Sri Lanka. And that, of course, was something that impressed the foreigners.

Without leaving Sri Lanka, without even leaving Batticoloa for a long, long time, till I was 20…until I was 20, I Hadn’t left Batticoloa at all. I would go to Colombo once, in a way. But still, not till I was 40 or 50 did I go to England. And when that girl who accompanied me to show me everything, you know, I said, “Well, this is Christopher Wren’s building”. She said, “Aunty, how do you know all this? We in England don’t know at all. About Christopher Wren. About Westminster Abbey.” When I went into Westminster Abbey, it looked as though I had been there for years, almost every day in my life. Things like that were so familiar, all through imagination.

I didn’t go to the countryside, but my memories of this meadow that set up is still there. Meadows, lambs, streams and you know… the valleys and what I learned in Psalms also. It looked as though I was very, very familiar. I still don’t know what it was that made me understand British life so well. And British life in the 18th century, Jane Eyre’s time, mind you. Now I realise how important imagination is to a child. It goes on through your childhood, well into your adulthood.

I feel more comfortable with English than in Tamil. And of course, it depends on the listener. When I know that the person who is listening to me doesn’t know a word of English, then somehow I managed to speak good Tamil, because the home language in those days, because my mother didn’t know any English, was Tamil. So once we left school and came home in the evenings, we had double session schools, then. I would come home for lunch, get back and then get back home after playing netball and things like that. It was almost dusk when we returned from the playing field.

We would switch on to Tamil. And that didn ‘t…wasn’t quite a problem with us kids those days. We were fluent in both languages and we did a lot of English literature taught by English women. So that accounts for all the imagination. And to me, England was just in my brain all the time.

About this portrait

Photographer: Kannan Arunasalam
Interviewer: Kannan Arunasalam
Recorded: September 10, 2013
First published: March 17, 2023
Last edited: November 7, 2023


  1. Elmo Joseph
    January 26, 2014 at 10:01 am
    First of all, I wish to honor Sujikanth Sotheeswaran, Kathirgamathamby Krishnaraj and Ketha Ledchumanasarma for their commendable help on "I Am Batticaloa". Ms Kandiah in 2013 visited Melbourne, Australia and met some old boys of St Michael's College in Melbourne and Sydney. She brought us some old memories of her success stories in Batticaloa as a history and English language tutor. I am surprised to listen to her brief speech with some meaningful involvement in Batticaloa. Best of luck to an intellectual.
  2. P. Seevagan
    May 2, 2014 at 12:49 am
    She was a great teacher of us. We are proud about her.
  3. Kannan Arunasalam
    May 2, 2014 at 01:58 am
    Mrs Kandiah was gifted in the English language. In fact she relished everything English and Englishness. Retired from full time teaching, she spent her time tutoring young Batticaloan students. She also escaped into her powerful imagination, roaming the English countryside. We sat with her elder sister in the sitting room of her ancestral house, as she talked to me about her obsession with England. She had just finished helping a woman with an application that needed her expertise in English. Mrs Kandiah painted in her spare time and her love of art and its healing power inspired her to get involved with local projects helping children deal with trauma. The Butterfly Peace Garden took up much of her time now. She had never been to England but through her mind's eye and the words of English nature poets like Colleridge and Wordsworth, she could travel there, to its meadows and hills, while not leaving her home thousands of miles away in Batticaloa.
  4. Mano Santharaj
    January 26, 2017 at 10:09 pm
    Ms Kandiah - But for us, she is always Rajes Acca . We are so proud about you Rajes Acca
  5. Balendran Balasubramaniam c/o. Balan Motors Batticaloa.
    January 27, 2017 at 07:42 pm
    Her teaching, especially English language, drama and poetry have made a great impact on my life, though I never had a chance to thank her personally. Thank you so much, teacher.
  6. Rohini James
    February 9, 2017 at 01:40 am
    Ms. Rajes Kandiah was not only an inspirational teacher at SMC after her graduation from Peradeniya, she was loved by the whole school. She was the Vice Presidnt of the Batticaloa Ladies Club down Green Street and was a great organiser of events, making coffee and desserts for the school and the club. I have always admired her way of accepting challenges and helping others. Ms. Rajes Kandiah is a wonderful senior citizen of Batticaloa town.
  7. Franz Waldner, A-1080 Wien/Vienna; Austria
    February 22, 2017 at 10:44 am
    I was very lucky to meet Ms. Kandiah and a teacher friend of hers when strolling through Batticaloa recently. Being invited for tea to her wonderful house and talking about past and present Batticaloa was a highlight wonderful experience on my 3 weeks trip to Sri Lanka (25 Jan - 15 Feb 2017). I sincerely hope to hear from Madam.
  8. Ananda Visvanathan
    July 13, 2018 at 03:50 pm
    Ms. Rajes Kandiah, is affectionately called as "Rajakja" by me from my childhood. She was not only our immediate neighbour, she was my playmate, sister, teacher, friend, philosopher, guide, mentor. I have no words to thank her for what I am today. She was and is an inspiration for so many.
  9. BJA
    January 1, 2019 at 01:34 pm
    Recollections This morning I attended a relative’s funeral: the Late Mr Francis (92). His grandson gave a splendid tribute. Dakshan mentioned that his granddad had a great sense of humour and was also one of the finest, record-breaking sportsman Batticaloa ever produced. May Ferdinand Francis rest in peace. During the post-funeral lunch, a cousin of mine produced a picture from the distant past from her mobile phone. The picture was from an English play at college which our teacher of English Ms Kandiah had directed. Although I vividly remember playing in that drama, time has robbed me of its name. Subo - (Sugunam & Joseph’s daughter) played a significant role, including the late Dr Reginald Lena, Mr Nimal Veerasinghe, Mr Shikan Canagasooriyam, and a few good old mates and yours truly played our parts to our director’s satisfaction. Ms Kandiah liked the play so much that she kindly threw us a sumptuous dinner as appreciation. It must be said Ms Kandiah was the most inspiring teacher we ever had. I salute her! When my son saw the picture, all in our costumes and in get-set-ready-action, he was quite moved to see his ‘appa’ as a young lad. Children seem to forget that once we too were young. Now we dream that we are forever young. Happy 2019! Rev B J Alexander UK
  10. B. Nimal Veerasingham
    March 20, 2019 at 10:13 pm
    Miss. Rajesh Kandiah was our English teacher – The ‘imagination’ she connoted in the conversation is fundamental to all things, revolutionizing the current world - we did not realize it then – but very much now. We realize that the ‘imagination’ she enthralled, is what making the West to prosper – by way of innovation, discoveries and new technological breakthroughs. When we did not know who a puppeteer is – she transformed our class led by Chandi Alexander, into becoming the unseen performers at the SMC Centennial celebrations. At a time when I did not know what daffodils are – she made me hand-print ‘William Wordsworth’s famous poem, to be hung on the class wall, complete with painted daffodils (My friend A.S.Thiyagarajah being the artist) – so that we could ‘wander lonely as a cloud.’ Thank You Teacher - for making our lives richer that riches ever can buy.

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